I am glad the AI generated avatars you post sometimes (to sort of show and sort of hide your feelings and your face) do not include a piercing of your nose or septum. If words or tiny acts of service from your distant admirers could be therapeutic you know that you would receive a veritable logopharmacopæa. As things are, if I am any indication, you have many praying for you, or its secular equivalent.
Thinking of you, and sending up a prayer for you. I've been in that black pit myself on quite a few occasions; I hope you are able to climb out soon.
This can be a tough time of year for those of us in New England - the cold and ice and gray skies and feeling of isolation do nothing to improve our state of mind. Hoping that as the days lengthen and the earth reawakens you will start feeling better.
Love to you, Holly. Prayers for you. Please find a way not to be always isolated - let your friends know you're suffering. Maybe get a physical? This sounds like more than generic, occasionally-recurring depression - surely you could only be THIS sad and this PERSISTENTLY sad for a physical reason? Anyway. You're on my prayer list and I'm sure many prayer lists.
I know that depression can be far more than just debilitating. I have a family member who suffers bouts and it’s difficult to go through…and to watch. We here with you and aren’t going anywhere. Whoever was gonna leave has left by now. Most of us want to share whatever friendship we have with you or whatever you need. And as a Christian, you’ve been in my mind and in my prayers. I would certainly never force anything I believe in you or anyone just as I wouldn’t like it. I believe I speak for most of your subs when I say that your voice is heard and valuable and we’re still listening. Reach out to any one of us and you’ll hear the same thing. We’re just glad that you’ve got really good friends such as Josh Slokum. And when it comes time to drive back to a better place, we’ll be along for the ride. Looking forward to reading your thoughts again soon.
I wish there were something I could do for your just as much as I wished there was something I could do for me when I was in this level of despair the last time around.
Well Holly, I’m probably older than you and the only reason I say that is because I have lived through some tough times in my life. I promise you that sooner or later this time will pass. You have what it takes to survive emotionally it’s part of your DNA. A wonderful thing about our minds and bodies they know how to heal themselves. I only know you from your writing but it says a lot to me, high intelligence and high empathy are a recipe for pain. It’s because you see the so clearly and you care about what is happening to others. Don’t forget the world has a lot of good and happiness too.
Well done. As an older person who has run multiple companies and managed thousands of people I have developed a bullshit detector like no others.
I am in favor of the DOGE project and have faith in Musk for now. If he and Trump want continued support the tone and approach needs to change.
Effective communication will make this work not hyperbole. I’ve always said perception is 90% of reality.
Unfortunately what this SS project is doing is promoting perception not the truth. I want honest attempts at the truth and facts. If Musk will do this we will have an honest result.
Most sad is this approach is done by everyone. Overstatements, exaggerations or outright lies is the norm so we all need to assess what people say with skepticism. Question every statement because human nature causes people, through a need to be correct, participating and involved.
My greatest challenge in every business I’ve run has been systems and processes. Dealing with developers, programmers and analysts is worse than hell but necessary.
Our Federal Government unfortunately from a systems perspective is running head long into the 19th century. By its own ineffectiveness creates mistakes.
When I first saw Musks SS data I laughed. As an older bullshit detector knew immediately it wasn’t an accurate display of SS results. What it told me was what you described Holly that the data sucks. If he had made this point instead it would have gone a much longer way. In the future I hope for a greater report of the truth.
Holly in reading I also noticed you use speculation and unproven statements to make some of your points. We all do. Do you know for a fact that Trump is a serial adulterer or narcissist? I think we assume but I’ve never seen proof or what does serial mean.
I doubt anyone will cancel their subscription and if they do it’s their loss. My bet is you’ll get more subscribers.
I read a book once about how people in their nineties stay happy. Their key strategies were to be careful about what they’re comparing themselves to, and to be grateful about what they had left. You can’t see anymore? Be grateful that you can still walk. Your loved ones are dead? Be grateful for all the good memories of happy times together.
I know it sounds simplistic, but if you make a conscious effort to focus on every little thing there is in your life to be grateful for, you start to spiral back up into a more hopeful mood. Each day there are thousands of things to be grateful for, right? You’re not homeless, you’re not fighting cancer, you’re not living your life in a wheelchair. You have food, Spring is coming, you’re not one of the millions living in slums in Rio or Jakarta who survive by digging through garbage.
It’s normal to be hard on yourself in your twenties- we all were! Your most important task now is to start spiraling upward! Do, say, and think only those things that serve that purpose! We are all pulling for you!
I can identify somewhat with your depression. I've suffered most (all?) of my life though rarely as deep as you are experiencing. Unlike you I can't point to anything that caused my depression and that's frustrating. I think if I knew the reason (if there is one) I'd have dealt with it better. Therapy off and on since early college has helped some but I recently quit for good. My reasoning is that I'm 77 years old and nothing matters anymore and it seems a waste of effort to expend any more energy (and money) to continue therapy. My intention is to go on living as best I can until I croak.
I have been struggling with depression, too. The kind that eats you alive. I haven't been able to write much. I want you to know that I care for you and I'm truly sorry that you're experiencing this. My prayers are with you always. (New England winters ARE brutal. Spring comes on overnight there.) Thank you for letting us know. Thank you for sharing your light, even though everything looks and feels black.
Prayer delivered. Be well
Thinking of you Holly.
I am glad the AI generated avatars you post sometimes (to sort of show and sort of hide your feelings and your face) do not include a piercing of your nose or septum. If words or tiny acts of service from your distant admirers could be therapeutic you know that you would receive a veritable logopharmacopæa. As things are, if I am any indication, you have many praying for you, or its secular equivalent.
Approaching the throne of grace boldly on your behalf.
Thinking of you, and sending up a prayer for you. I've been in that black pit myself on quite a few occasions; I hope you are able to climb out soon.
This can be a tough time of year for those of us in New England - the cold and ice and gray skies and feeling of isolation do nothing to improve our state of mind. Hoping that as the days lengthen and the earth reawakens you will start feeling better.
I find your writing insightful and valuable.
I'll refrain from offering any advice on your depression which I'm ill qualified to give and just send best wishes.
Love to you, Holly. Prayers for you. Please find a way not to be always isolated - let your friends know you're suffering. Maybe get a physical? This sounds like more than generic, occasionally-recurring depression - surely you could only be THIS sad and this PERSISTENTLY sad for a physical reason? Anyway. You're on my prayer list and I'm sure many prayer lists.
I know that depression can be far more than just debilitating. I have a family member who suffers bouts and it’s difficult to go through…and to watch. We here with you and aren’t going anywhere. Whoever was gonna leave has left by now. Most of us want to share whatever friendship we have with you or whatever you need. And as a Christian, you’ve been in my mind and in my prayers. I would certainly never force anything I believe in you or anyone just as I wouldn’t like it. I believe I speak for most of your subs when I say that your voice is heard and valuable and we’re still listening. Reach out to any one of us and you’ll hear the same thing. We’re just glad that you’ve got really good friends such as Josh Slokum. And when it comes time to drive back to a better place, we’ll be along for the ride. Looking forward to reading your thoughts again soon.
Wishing you the best.
I wish there were something I could do for your just as much as I wished there was something I could do for me when I was in this level of despair the last time around.
Well Holly, I’m probably older than you and the only reason I say that is because I have lived through some tough times in my life. I promise you that sooner or later this time will pass. You have what it takes to survive emotionally it’s part of your DNA. A wonderful thing about our minds and bodies they know how to heal themselves. I only know you from your writing but it says a lot to me, high intelligence and high empathy are a recipe for pain. It’s because you see the so clearly and you care about what is happening to others. Don’t forget the world has a lot of good and happiness too.
Well done. As an older person who has run multiple companies and managed thousands of people I have developed a bullshit detector like no others.
I am in favor of the DOGE project and have faith in Musk for now. If he and Trump want continued support the tone and approach needs to change.
Effective communication will make this work not hyperbole. I’ve always said perception is 90% of reality.
Unfortunately what this SS project is doing is promoting perception not the truth. I want honest attempts at the truth and facts. If Musk will do this we will have an honest result.
Most sad is this approach is done by everyone. Overstatements, exaggerations or outright lies is the norm so we all need to assess what people say with skepticism. Question every statement because human nature causes people, through a need to be correct, participating and involved.
My greatest challenge in every business I’ve run has been systems and processes. Dealing with developers, programmers and analysts is worse than hell but necessary.
Our Federal Government unfortunately from a systems perspective is running head long into the 19th century. By its own ineffectiveness creates mistakes.
When I first saw Musks SS data I laughed. As an older bullshit detector knew immediately it wasn’t an accurate display of SS results. What it told me was what you described Holly that the data sucks. If he had made this point instead it would have gone a much longer way. In the future I hope for a greater report of the truth.
Holly in reading I also noticed you use speculation and unproven statements to make some of your points. We all do. Do you know for a fact that Trump is a serial adulterer or narcissist? I think we assume but I’ve never seen proof or what does serial mean.
I doubt anyone will cancel their subscription and if they do it’s their loss. My bet is you’ll get more subscribers.
Thanks for listening.
Yes, you are in my prayers, Holly.
I read a book once about how people in their nineties stay happy. Their key strategies were to be careful about what they’re comparing themselves to, and to be grateful about what they had left. You can’t see anymore? Be grateful that you can still walk. Your loved ones are dead? Be grateful for all the good memories of happy times together.
I know it sounds simplistic, but if you make a conscious effort to focus on every little thing there is in your life to be grateful for, you start to spiral back up into a more hopeful mood. Each day there are thousands of things to be grateful for, right? You’re not homeless, you’re not fighting cancer, you’re not living your life in a wheelchair. You have food, Spring is coming, you’re not one of the millions living in slums in Rio or Jakarta who survive by digging through garbage.
It’s normal to be hard on yourself in your twenties- we all were! Your most important task now is to start spiraling upward! Do, say, and think only those things that serve that purpose! We are all pulling for you!
I can identify somewhat with your depression. I've suffered most (all?) of my life though rarely as deep as you are experiencing. Unlike you I can't point to anything that caused my depression and that's frustrating. I think if I knew the reason (if there is one) I'd have dealt with it better. Therapy off and on since early college has helped some but I recently quit for good. My reasoning is that I'm 77 years old and nothing matters anymore and it seems a waste of effort to expend any more energy (and money) to continue therapy. My intention is to go on living as best I can until I croak.
Prayer said and more to follow if needed. I truly value your insight, opinions and thoughts. I hope you find your way out soonest.
I have been struggling with depression, too. The kind that eats you alive. I haven't been able to write much. I want you to know that I care for you and I'm truly sorry that you're experiencing this. My prayers are with you always. (New England winters ARE brutal. Spring comes on overnight there.) Thank you for letting us know. Thank you for sharing your light, even though everything looks and feels black.