This issue discusses pedophilia and child sexual abuse. Strong content warning for grooming, victim blaming, child sexual abuse, rape, and all other related terms.
Here We Go Again
Because of my long essay about the normalization of pedophilia, people send me things. My email regularly fills up with twitter links, news stories, reddit screenshots, and other observations about what people are seeing as the normalization marches on.
Based on these emails, it’s time to talk about something. There’s a new meme taking hold among both the explicit propagators of evil and the flying monkeys who help them by propping up gender ideology, its foundation.
It’s popped up occasionally for a couple of years. It’s popping up more often now.
Going by previous patterns, including the move to get people to say “Minor Attracted Person” or “MAP” instead of “pedophile,” (which most of the academic types and some ordinary, otherwise-sane people have started using on Twitter and other social media), it seems likely to me that this one isn’t far from a crucial point. This tipping point is the point where it’ll become widely known enough that, if not exactly “mainstream,” enough people will know what it means that it’ll amount, in practical terms, to the same thing.
The idea that people are seeing spread on social media and sending to me relates, in a parallel fashion, to the notion of “transage,” which, unlike “transrace,” has a real chance at succeeding. Trans-race is a struggling notion because race has such a sacred place in the leftist victim hierarchy, but the notion of age holds no such status. Thus, with no higher caste of victims on whose turf they would be stepping, there is a very real chance that this is going to work.
If it does work, the transformation will happen—as most leftist movements do—slowly, and then quite quickly. Out of nowhere, it’ll seemingly happen all at once.
This essay is my attempt to point it out in advance so that each of us can do what we can to stop it.
What It Is And The Spin They’re Attempting
The idea they’re trying to introduce is that of the “AAM,” the “adult-attracted minor.” This is, they believe, a class of people who are under the legal age to engage in sexual relationships but who feel sexually attracted to adults—people older than them, who are of legal age and capable of consent. It’s been around since it first appeared on a pro-pedophilia blog in 2006, but it’s been getting social media play lately.
The intention, naturally, is to use this ridiculous notion to try to further normalize pedophilia by foisting responsibility for adult-child sexual interactions (which are rape 100% of the time, as children are incapable of consent) onto children.
One of the many insane takes on this is that the taboo around pedophilia oppresses children who want to have sex with adults. One idea they want to normalize is that the “AAM” represents an oppressed group whose human rights are violated by having to constantly hear “no” from the adults they approach for sexual interaction.
Some pedophile and pro-pedophile accounts on social media are also using this to try to astroturf the idea that pedophiles are victimized by sexually aggressive children who regularly hit on them.
One Way They’re Trying to Make This Happen
The notion of “transage” has become a thing now, and expressions of such are a popular subgenre of TikTok and Twitter. The “transage community” (which, sigh, yes, is very much a thing) are quick to claim that it has nothing to do with wanting to abuse children, but this is obvious bullshit. Further, as their source for this claim is Snopes, it is in immediate doubt. Snopes is not reliable.
Blaire White did an episode covering transage TikTok and the notion of “age dysphoria.” It is quite obviously a way of sexualizing children and ideas/images/feelings/experiences of children and as such, inherently dangerous.
They are desperately trying to tie “transage” to being transgender, which is a logical way for them to operate. Prioritizing feelings over the facts of reality, and demanding that other people comply on pain of being called bigots and socially punished, has worked quite well for the transgender movement.
This is an obvious, disgusting, horrifying attempt to blur the lines and boundaries between children and adults. Just as there are now millions of children who believe—because stupid, useful idiot leftist adults have taught them this—that you can’t differentiate a man from a woman without asking, the notion that you can’t tell a child from an adult without asking is their specific and intentional goal here.
They are working this angle simultaneously and in conjunction with trying to spread the notion of the “Adult-Attracted Minor.”
Our culture is cooperating, including Harvard Medical School teaching future doctors that there is such a thing as an LGBT infant, Boston Children’s Hospital asserting that transgender status can be known in the womb.
Transing Kids Has Set the Stage For This
Dr. Debra Soh, in the tweet pictured above, is absolutely correct. Gender ideology teaches kids that they cannot trust their own eyes or instincts: that they can’t tell the difference between a man and a woman without asking the person in question how they identify. As such, it teaches kids to trust words over actions and certainly over their own instincts. This is enormously dangerous, as is its constant decimation of safeguarding boundaries.
It grooms children for sexual abuse in another way, too: by creating the notion that reality is not something tangible that, as you mature, you learn to recognize; it’s something ethereal that changes and you can only be certain of it by what other people tell you. Millions of children have been taught and are being taught that a woman is anyone who says “I’m a woman.” They are fully primed for the idea that a fellow child is anyone who says “I’m a child.”
Most crucially, transing kids has absolutely laid the groundwork for normalizing pedophilia. Sexual activity is temporary; medical transition results in permanent changes. There is no coherent argument that an 8 year old can consent to a lifetime of bone density loss or that a 13 year old can consent to having her breasts removed but not to sexual activity.
(Yes, surgery on “trans kids” happens, regardless of how many times the activists deny it—unless you’d like to accuse Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, one of the most prominent child transition doctors in the US, of fabricating data or lying when she gives talks.)
We are in a societal state now that is absolutely ideal for the pedophilia acceptance movement—one where a 13 year old can be deemed competent to consent to having an adult remove her breasts as medical waste, but not fondle them.
This is ideal for the pro-evil movement because it means that an obvious bit of cognitive dissonance is already written into our laws. The incoherence of this is obvious and startling. It is also profoundly dangerous.
What is more likely to occur: a sudden onset of sanity and a complete reversal on the notion of “trans kids,” or what they will call a loosening of legal restrictions around adults interacting sexually with children?
The Particular Evil of This
There’s something especially evil about this, and here it is: kids who get crushes on adults are sometimes experiencing normal sexual development. They are sometimes desperately parent-hungry. And often the two overlap in complex ways that are impossible to fully differentiate.
No, I’m not saying that every 14 year old girl with a crush on a 22 year old pop star has a bad father or that every 13 year old boy who secretly watches Taylor Swift videos on a loop has a cold, unloving mother. Pop stars and celebrities are marketed and branded and have public profiles designed to cause pre-teens and teenagers with newly burgeoning hormones to develop puppy love and become obsessed and spend their money.
I am saying that the phenomenon of a kid desperately wanting approval and attention from a particular adult, and feeling high or giddy when they get it, can seem like a crush to the child—like they really want romantic or other inappropriate attention. What is actually happening is father hunger or mother hunger, which the child cannot recognize as such.
Children cannot recognize what’s happening to them in these situations for a very obvious reason: it takes maturity and self-knowledge to understand one’s own feelings. But there is another reason, as well. Recognizing that you have deep father or mother hunger is to recognize that your relationship with your father or mother is or was lacking. While that may be obvious in some cases, such as a parent missing due to death, divorce, or abandonment, a kid whose parent is at home or involved may not be able to recognize his or her father or mother hunger for other reasons.
It can be incredibly traumatic to recognize that someone whose job is to love you, and to love you in such a way that your emotional need to be loved is met, is failing to do so. Mature adults often fail to understand and acknowledge this.
Think of all the people who divorce after waking up one morning to realize that they’ve been alone, though married, for years or even decades. The phenomenon of the “mid-life crisis” often manifests as someone who experiences a sudden realization that they were nowhere near as happy as they had believed themselves to be. Adults frequently fail entirely to understand their own deep feelings and desires.
Children are unable to recognize the difference between a crush and parent hunger in part because to recognize unmet emotional needs is to recognize that a parent is failing. Children have a built-in defense against this realization while they’re still children; they knee-jerk to blaming themselves. To a child, being unloved = being unlovable. In many cases, they can’t go there and retain their sanity, so often their parent hunger manifests in other ways—behavior issues that gain them adult attention for young children; intense crushes for pre-adolescents and adolescents.
This attempt to make “AAM” a thing is an attempt to take the sad fact that some children do not have their needs met by their parents in healthy, appropriate ways and exploit that fact for the gratification of deviant, evil adults.
For more information on the ways that pedophiles take advantage of vulnerable children: I have a very long essay on the normalization of pedophilia that goes into great detail about the pedophilic mindset, based on my childhood experience of being victimized by one, and a shorter essay that gives advice directly to parents.
Before You Scoff and Dismiss This
Yes, they really expect people to believe this narrative that some significant percentage of kids want to have sexual contact with adults and that there may be circumstances under which this is okay, or even that some pedophiles are being victimized by children.
What’s that you say? It’s impossible? It’s too ridiculous? Such things will never happen? Americans will never let this happen?
I remind you that we live in a culture that already has normalized pedophilia to the point that children putting their hands in adult underwear to pay for sexualized dances is something that happens regularly while adults look on, smile, and take pictures:
And that “child drag stars” are a thing, which does not result in the child immediately being removed from parental custody and put into a therapeutic foster home, but rather, in fawning profiles written and published to leftist praise:
And that this picture was published, uncensored, in a mainstream publication, and nobody went to jail:
And children were in attendance at a drag performance in front of this sign, and nobody went to jail:
Please don’t be naive. Our culture is headed towards full-scale normalization of pedophilia at the speed of light.
If you still doubt this, look at the pictures again, and consider this hypothetical.
Imagine that a significant and powerful segment of American leftists had an overarching goal (perhaps conscious, perhaps not) to normalize pedophilia both as quickly as possible and in the only manner that such an evil could occur: slipping under the radar until it’s too late, riding on the back of another movement for social acceptance.
Look at the culture around you.
If this hypothetical were in fact the case—what would be different?
Housekeeping: paid subscribers can leave comments on most posts. I close comments when I feel the need and am likely to do so on this one, given the topic, but in general, paid subscribers can leave comments. If you can’t afford a paid subscription, email hollymathnerd at gmail dot com and I’ll give you one.
People have lost their fucking minds. I really don't understand how anyone can look at that picture of a child putting dollar bills in an adult's underwear and think, "This is normal. Totally fine. Good, even!" My disgust for people who think that way is absolutely off-the-charts.
My first relationship was with a man double my age and I know I was parent-hungry. I'm thankful that you included that section of the article because a part of me was screaming inside knowing this is why children would be attracted to those older than them. It's often a sign of unresolved issues and trauma, not a good thing or something to be celebrated. But it's no shock to see people try to push the idea that some traumatic response is normal. As I've recently written about, our society is becoming used to being traumatized so we view trauma responses as normal things and things to be celebrated now.