Jun 27Liked by Holly MathNerd

Sick and one doesn't even want to believe this is possible but it is happening. The only question is to what degree. Unfortunately, like most rot, what you see is just a small representation of the real situation.

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Reason 13575455 why I’m going to homeschool.

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Your children will thank you.

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That, my friend, is a gutsy essay. Good on ya! And it's well-written from end to end. Massive respect🙏.

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Thank you!! This one was more daunting than the challenges I usually set for myself.

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Don't ever be afraid to speak the unvarnished truth. I know that you're probably concerned with getting crossways during a job search, but your courage will lead you to the right place. I wish that even a handful if the tenured faculty I spent a quarter of a century with had your spunk. You go!

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Jun 27Liked by Holly MathNerd

And this is why school choice and funding following the child are so very important. “professional educators” and their “progressive” political supporters are convinced they, and they alone, know what is best for our children and never mind their kids attend exclusive private schools. Get bent.

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Jun 30Liked by Holly MathNerd

In NYC, the private schools are often WORSE.

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It is absolutely mind-blowing that this brainwashing and exploitation of children was ever was allowed in schools, let alone promoted and praised. The parents of children had to have really been inattentive and apathetic to let it go for so long that it was able to blossom like this.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Holly MathNerd

Excellent Holly!!

Kudos, for using your writing chops, on this abhorrent normalization of the perversion.

As I said in my restack - this is their legacy strategy of incrementalism. You see it at play in ALL their agendas and successes; Children are always the preferred target due to a lack of mental, emotion and reasoning skills. As in your allegory and real life example, the children will either shut down and accept, become angry and emotionally compromised making them even easier targets, or they embrace the attention and praise and become helpless true believers early on. I've said many time - if you can change the norms and anchors of a generation or two of 2 and 3 year olds - you've change society for the next 50+years. We are living in the proof, pointing back to the incrementalism over the last 50+ years.

Lastly, all the perverts did get there first. They just chose the most acceptable costume to present to masses - A mix between a cartoonish clown and a cartoonish woman. Remember, adults were never the intended target audience.

I'd suggest as companion reading to your post, one by Samara. He does a great job of tracing one major leg of the pedophile roots, behind the trans-groomer movement.


It's a long read, as well, but well worth understanding the long planning behind the coming wave, that will be the normalizing of the pedophiles,

Great work Holly!!!

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I don't know who is more sick and twisted. The perverted sociopaths who live in this kind of perversion and seek to impose it upon the innocent, or the adults and parents who allow it to happen.

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Jun 28Liked by Holly MathNerd

The parents. Their children are vulnerable, clay molded partially by life experiences. To allow others to pervert their innocent babies is despicable.

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I agree. The buck stops with the parents.

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Courageous essay. Makes me relieved that 1) I don’t live in the US. 2) my girls are nearly at the end of their high school years with full awareness of the transing /perversion madness. Thank you for everything you’ve said while in the midst of interviews!

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Thank you for reading! I am so glad you've prepared your kids to live in reality.

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Jun 28Liked by Holly MathNerd

Wonderful, powerful essay. So many layers of deception and perversity to dig through with this mysterious, engineered social experiment.

Another point to consider is, who the HELL gave teachers blanket authority to engage kids in constant discussion of their sexed lives? Just because the kids are a captive audience gives teachers no more right to invade kid’s privacy and to discuss adult sexual topics than the school janitorial staff has. How about the bus driver asks each kid what gender makes their private parts tingly?

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Jun 28Liked by Holly MathNerd

I left teaching (permanently) in 2021, after having taught off and on since 2009. Over that short time, I witnessed a shocking change in the way teachers spoke to students about sexual matters - as though they had the authority to do so; as though they were on the same level as a child’s parents and not an employee charged and trusted with helping shepherd their understanding of subject matter.

I remember advising a younger teacher who was blurring these boundaries to assume she was on camera, with audio, and observable by parents at all times. She didn’t listen, and it turned out not to matter.

I encourage parents to find the time to know what’s going on in the general culture of their children’s schools and in their classrooms in particular. Not all public schools are bad, and not every family is in a position to homeschool - but every parent can be present and involved in their children’s educational experience.

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Thank you for this very important comment, and for reading!

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Jun 28·edited Jun 29Liked by Holly MathNerd

This is a sad, but unsurprising warning, from one of the good ones - which by and large are only found in the retired ranks.

It’s no surprise because the teachers ‘ unions and academia, as we all should well know, have been ideological petri dishes for decades.

Their sole purpose has turned from core education (reading, writing, counting and history) to any and every marxist, communist glazed agenda and program available.

Pointing back to your allegorical post, it should not be missed that ALL these agenda issues are tied to sex and the sexualization of the target audience - children. It is a powerful anchor, much like when every aspect of a child’s life is colored with and by abuse. There is no aspect of the world or their daily lives, that cannot become a trigger, because all aspects were linked to sex or abuse, respectively.

It primes them to operate from a dysfunctional reality and thus be easier and more prone to manipulation.

The propagandists and perverts this retired teacher warns of, are the first wave groomers and abusers. They prep the ground for all that will come afterward and the resultant perverse and dysfunction society these children will establish.

The obvious choice here is to tear the entire state education system to the ground and restart. Of course there is way too much money/power being exchanged and laundered in that system. So parents should by all means heed this woman’s warnings.

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Before we moved even further into the countryside, at my son's junior high school there was one of these gender-nomcomforming weirdoes student-teaching the 8th graders (my boy was a 7th grader at time, and I found out through my coworker whose daughter was in 8th grade). Apparently during one of the classes the topic of the "male g-spot" came up and the student teacher felt comfortable enough to introduce to the students the concept of male anal penetration. The administration found out and the student teacher was removed and forbidden from returning to the jr high, so at least where I live there is a little sanity left.

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Wow, that's refreshing. I wonder if it would still be the case.

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That was two school years ago, and it was in the college town we moved out of so I was actually shocked to learn of the punishment and the ensuing hush-up. I had a professor back in college talk about how this region is no less than 50 years behind the rest of the country, so far as the culture goes. It's less these days for sure, but no one will confuse us with Berkeley.

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Jun 28Liked by Holly MathNerd

You’re welcome! Your perspective is so valuable and I always look forward to reading.

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Jun 28Liked by Holly MathNerd

This was fantastic. It also leads me to a different thought:

I don't think widespread advocacy of BDSM to children would be accepted the way Transgenderism has been. And yet, if you look at Queer Theory and what its sages and gurus say, they do want all sexual perversions to be the norm from cradle to grave. This tells me that the transgenderism push has been strategic and intentional. People knew what would be more likely to get acceptance first, paving the way for the next steps tomorrow.

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That was the thought that gave me the shivers and made me right this.

And thank you. :)

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Excellent essay but go back further to the ADHD/ADD frenzy. That was the test phase and people fell for drugging little boys because of their “brain chemistry.” Males are always the primary threat and if you can neutralize before puberty, further steps are easier. Gender religion was the next step and the rest of the sexual perversions are coming, unless we reverse the march of destruction.

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