Sep 17Liked by Holly MathNerd


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Congratulations 🎉 I hope this new position is everything you hope it is.

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Sep 17Liked by Holly MathNerd

Congratulations, and good luck. May this new job be everything you hoped for and more.

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Congrats; good on you finding a new job. And it sucks that you’ll be closing comments, but I understand — people have been awful to you. I hope that you’ll be sharing more cool math stuff too (that thing with squaring the prime numbers and dividing by 24 *still* blows my mind.)

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Sep 17Liked by Holly MathNerd

Many congratulations!!! Very happy for you.

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Sep 17Liked by Holly MathNerd

Congratulations, Holly! I hope that your stress levels go down and your happiness increases exponentially!

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Sep 17Liked by Holly MathNerd


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All the best!

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Sep 17Liked by Holly MathNerd

"meaningful work in support of a laudable mission"--something to be proud of as well as grateful for. I hope that you will soon be able to happen upon some part of the world made better and know that you helped it to be that way. The 'like' button is not very specific, but with more posts to analyze you may wind up deriving more useful feedback than you were getting from long-winded comments, like this one. Good fortune to you!

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Mazel tov on getting the new position Holly! #nomorenarcboss

May this new job be everything you need, want, and more!

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My new boss is a math guy who actually knows math and he is also capable of a conversation and common sense. LOTTERY WIN!!!!

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Anti-narc boss! JACKPOT!

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Sep 17Liked by Holly MathNerd

Wow, you really did luck out. Congratulations and best wishes!

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Good luck on your new job. Enjoy

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Sep 17Liked by Holly MathNerd

Congratulations on the new job!

While I'll miss commenting, I totally understand why you are turning it off. There is no need for you to waste mental bandwidth on obnoxious comments from random jerks on the Internet.

Looking forward to more math and creative writing posts!

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I am so happy to hear this news, Holly. I know from my own experience some of the frustrations and fears that can come from not being able to find work and so good for you! I hope this job turns out to be something that goes beyond paying the bills and enlivens your day.

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Congrats again!

Excellent and very smart changes. This is a growth step not only in career, but life. You must step into another framework and model, in order to become the next healthier, better, happier version of yourself - which you well know, because you've already done it several times, I imagine.

Enjoy this time, you earned it, with your drive, intelligence, resilience and strength of mind, body and character.

the one piece of advice I will leave you with, which is not meant to impart fear or doubt, but it's something many lose sight of because comfort zones are quicksand - "The best time to look for another job, is when you don't need one."

It has served me well and allowed me to not be trapped in something, that was either a dead end or killing me in some way. Always have feelers out and be open to knew opportunities. Having choices - even if it's to stay where you are - is a good thing.

High fiving you, cause I don't know you well enough to give you a hug!!

So proud of you!!

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Nice! Great news!

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Sep 17Liked by Holly MathNerd

Best of luck in your new job, Holly. I wish you much happiness. When your math book comes out, I will buy it. I love your essays and those you repost. I also love today’s AI art. Takes me to a happy place I know is around that corner😁

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