Joseph Massey is my favorite living poet. I subscribe to his Substack for a near-daily dose of beauty and my apartment is decorated with many of his lovely photos. His new book is available today, and I cannot wait to get my hands on it. Joseph’s poetry is moving, surprising, glorious, and adds regular joy and beauty to my life.
And a special note to everyone who regards himself or herself as anti-woke—Joseph has survived multiple Woke mob attacks designed to make him unemployable and untouchable in the (very small) world of poetry. Buying a copy of his book is a way to help a major Woke weapon fail miserably.
I own and have enjoyed his entire published oeuvre, and I want to share the joy of his latest with you. I have just ordered three copies to be delivered to Joseph, who will autograph them and send them directly to the winners. I will give two to paid subscribers who leave comments on this post, and one to someone who either replies to the email or to me on Notes, chosen by random number draw. (Yes, you can do both!)
I will do the drawings on Tuesday, June 6 after Joseph’s appearance on the Megyn Kelly show. He’ll be appearing at 1pm Eastern on Sirius Radio (the Triumph Channel) and then up on her YouTube channel later that same day.
Let’s get his book to #1 in American Poetry (and, she added nastily, enjoy the prospect of the Woke mobs in campus poetry departments seething that someone is succeeding who they marked for destruction!).
About My Substack: I’m a junior data scientist (two years experience and presently job-hunting if you’re hiring). My great love is mathematics, but I also enjoy writing. My posts are mostly cultural takes from a broadly anti-Woke perspective—yes, I’m one of those annoying classical liberals who would’ve been considered on the left until ten seconds ago. Lately I’ve regained a childhood love of reading and started publishing book reviews. My most widely useful essay may be this one, about how to resist the demon of self-termination.
Paid subscribers get access to occasional creative writing posts and have sole access to a journey I am making to educate myself about United States history. The first entry is not paywalled and is accessible here.
I used to be poor, so this Substack has a standing policy: if you want a paid subscription but cannot afford one, email me at hollymathnerd at gmail dot com and I’ll give you a freebie.
I plan to order this book as an anti boycott. I am all for supporting those who are getting attacked by the “woke” mob. It galls me to no end. Cannot wait to read more about this writer.
You have caused me to order the book already. Best reasons I’ve made a purchase in a long time. I hope many others follow your lead!