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Closing comments -- I'm still extremely stressed out from work and consequently emotionally exhausted. Sorry; I'll start leaving comments open again when work settles down and I've gotten out of Survival Mode.

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I don’t Twit so I had no idea any of this was going on. Good gravy. I can’t think of a worse venue for attempting to live as a Christian anyway.

The elemental challenge of following Christ has nothing to do with talking or writing. It’s not an intellectual exercise and it’s not complicated. It’s just very, very hard. It is, in fact, impossible if one is not open to being filled with God’s freely given grace and faithful to your nature as a child of God. You have to look into the face of every single human being and see there the face of another child of God — in the truest sense your brother or sister. If you do that, it would be impossible to speak to or act towards them the way these deluded adolescents are. It’s shameful. During Lent of all times.

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You're misrepresenting Auron's point here. He was pointing out that the Left's outrage over violent crime is highly selective. He never, at any point, joined in on the laughter that Chris Burr is complaining about. He even said, a little ways down: "It’s not funny if a woman gets punched in the face, it’s horrible, but a lot of people who don’t actually care about that are feigning outrage at Tim that they didn’t bother to express when people were victimized"

As for his takes on the whole "Christ is King" issue, Auron's entire point there was that there have been a not-insignificant number of conservative commentators who have been claiming that saying "Christ is King" is always anti-Semitic, and should never be said because it might offend non-Christians, which is just as silly as saying it could not be inappropriate in any context. I doubt he's followed all the stuff with Candace Owens and the Daily Wire that closely. I certainly haven't.

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Yes, he was quite clear that he exceeds leftist standards. That's not the standard I see Christians called to.

If he is weighing in on major controversies in the world of conservative Christian commentators without following the details, he's being very irresponsible.

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I was starting to wonder if I was the only one who researched Owen's history of comments on this topic. I'm amazed the DW kept her on as long as they did. I'm a middle-aged feminist, a wife and mother, a Catholic (admittedly not a great one) and I will defend the DW even knowing I would mix with those chauvinists like oil and water. There's some irony in Owens, who has stated her hatred for "feminists," playing the victim vis-a-vis men and using religion to beat them over the head. I have occasionally watched DW videos but will now go more often to show support. You did a great job explaining the theology, imo. Now I'm a paying subscriber!

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