Removed (Banned)Jun 30
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It's adorable that you think that I mute people for reasons other than their being an annoying digital fly in a life that has way too many digital notifications as it is. I can count on one hand the number of times I've muted someone and it was important enough to stick in my memory longer than five minutes. And those all involved the need to document things for law enforcement. Get over yourself. You're just not that important. And you get to go away now. My life is too busy for this kind of petty, middle school girl level bullshit of coming back to complain about something in the comment section. GFY.

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deletedJun 29Liked by Holly MathNerd
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Yes. Dementia fueled anger has a particular quality.

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Said this in another Substack comment section like two weeks ago but.....

The best indicator of dementia and or evil in a human being may be the denial or lack of recognition of Joe Biden's dementia.

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Jun 29Liked by Holly MathNerd

I also had a visceral feeling that Biden might walk in attack mode towards Trump…

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Jun 29Liked by Holly MathNerd

Thank you for another terrific essay Holly!

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Yeah, the MSM folks may have their brains shut off because of TDS and living in an echo chamber. That can blind you to stuff. They have motivated reasoning to not see Biden's mental decline. But I still think there's actual malice there. I think they fear Trump becoming president again whether for the reasons they mention or ones they won't talk about and that fear grows hatred, not just to Trump but the voters who would vote for Trump as well. Too much fear and hatred and that's on them. I hold them responsible for that, even if they were spiritually blinded and didn't see it. They chose poorly. They should have never let their fear and anger get the best of them to make them so malicious or incompetent, whichever it turns out to be.

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I had my first, in person - well over the phone - experience with a person seized by TDS. I didn't instigate it. I called this person, who is a tradesman who did some major re-modeling work for me 10 years ago, and with whom I don't ever recall discussing politics, to ask for some advice on a project I needed to have done. We had a congenial and pleasant discussion about that, and then as we were about to close the conversation he asked me if I planned to watch the debate that evening. I answered, "No, I can't stand to watch either one of them make fools of themselves and our country." My tone was light, not angry or even evidencing contempt. Then, he said something to the effect that journalists with degrees are experts and the only ones you can trust, not those talking heads on Fox News and other conservative sources. I responded with, "In my opinion credentialed journalists with degrees are the fake news and mouthpieces of the democrat party, reporting what they are told to report". This set him off on a tirade of parroting everything he hears night after night on CNN, MSNBC and from the Whitehouse. Probably left-wing Twitterati, too.

I knew I could never have a real argument with him, a give and take exchange of opinions and beliefs behind them. He couldn't have heard me if I tried, so intent was he on reciting his indoctrinated beliefs, based on the propaganda he exposes himself to willingly and with relish, mostly trashing Trump and making wild claims of the danger the country will be in if he's elected. He ranted on until finally I interrupted and said, "You have your opinions and I have mine. We aren't going to change one another's minds, but I respect your right to have your opinion. That shouldn't interfere with our ability to have a business relationship." He sputtered, "Well, I can't work with ignorant people!" I said, "Well, I can't either". End of conversation.

I was sorely tempted to text him the next day, after the debacle of Biden's performance in the debate and ask "How are you feeling this morning? Are you okay?" I didn't act on that temptation. I simply don't have the capacity to understand people who are consumed with TDS, and I am eternally grateful that I rarely have to be around them.

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Jun 30Liked by Holly MathNerd

I have a friend with TDS. I sent her a hilarious youtube video of Jon Stewart mocking both men. She replied: Difference is Biden is running ON his record--while Trump is running FROM his record. To me Biden can't run on his record because he is so cognitively impaired that nothing accomplished in his administration was actually accomplished by him. Oh well. And Trump's record isn't that bad. At least he didn't start or fund major wars.

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Jun 30Liked by Holly MathNerd

I think they do see it and are using it for their purposes. They picked Biden because he was cognitively impaired and they could use him as a puppet and he would do what they want (speculation on my part). Markcrispinmiller.com has a substack and he believes the Dems did hack the 2020 election. He also believes they hacked the 2016 election because they thought Trump would be more controllable than Hillary. Mark is professor of media studies at NYU university. Matt Taibbi, another journalist, believes that the sudden wave of articles announcing that Biden indeed must be replaced is also started by the Dems who want a legitimate excuse to replace him. But who can they run? P.S. I don't think dementia is evil. But it sure can be destructive.

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Jun 30Liked by Holly MathNerd

I don't think the MSM people or at least most of them actually have TDS. I believe their deception is almost entirely intentional.

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Jun 29Liked by Holly MathNerd

Firstly, THANK YOU for articulating what I haven't been able to so far, other than 'a choice between deranged and demented is not a choice'. During the Trump years, I felt as if I were in a dysfunctional family with a tyrannical, narcissistic father, but if I just kept calm and quiet no one would notice and I could get on with life. In the Biden years I'm feeling as if I'm in a dysfunctional family with a demented grandfather who won't give up the family car keys, no one will make him because it will upset him, so we're all holding our breath when he takes to the road. We make sure to hide the car keys at night.

I'm a long-time registered Independent voter, usually resorting to 3rd party or write-in voting. Discovered Brett Weinstein when he was working on Unity 2020 with Andrew Yang. Sigh.

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Thank you, and yes, I know what you mean.

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Your post resonates with me. I'm in a club where a narcissistic member is creating havoc and no one can confront her because she is quite angry and vengeful. We don't want to get her upset--and she is beginning to believe that she is entitled to anything she wants.

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I suspect it’s Obama pulling the strings. Joe wasn’t all there when he was VP.

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Jun 29Liked by Holly MathNerd

It's weird being only one of a few people who can and does see Trump’s faults and still (with clear eyes and conscience) thinks he's the best option for this country at this time. I feel like I've known about Biden since he was campaigning from his basement. I've seen it happen irl. Then, experiencing some of the policy choices he was making, I kept thinking this isn't Biden. You can't have watched him or even read through his previous positions and still think those two men are the same people. Not even for politics. He was way too stubborn and brash to be talked into some of that stuff in his younger years. And, to be completely honest, I liked old Biden. And, that's who I thought we were getting. I was badly mistaken and it's been terrible.

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#metoo . I really didn't want Trump but now the US needs him badly. No matter how flawed he is because he is going to be the target of all the protests and we can see who needs to be fired/defunded

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I sadly see that the Dems will be hacking the 2024 election. I doubt the administration will be able to let Trump win. They claim Trump will hold onto power via another coup. However, I think they are the ones who will (or already have) staged a coup.

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They will certainly try but the required margin of fraud may be too much for a couple of reasons

1. After 2020 and 2022 people are going to be videoing the vote counting everywhere and loudly, possibly violently, objecting when they are excluded and/or shenanigans are observed. Blatant fraud is going to be hard

2. At least some of the key footsoliders in the frauding (young black/hispanic males) are likely to vote for Trump so the frauding may be in the other direction in surprising locations

However there is no doubt that if (when) Trump wins, Deep State is going to mount some kind of a coup against him. they already admitted it in the NY Slimes - https://archive.md/Iw58x

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Jun 30Liked by Holly MathNerd

I hope that you are right.

In 2020 Trump brought several lawsuits to claim election fraud. The mainstream media asserted that he lost these lawsuits. I thought that meant the trial examined the evidence and found it was insufficient to prove fraud. NO. In all cases, or nearly all, the judge stated the trial lacked standing.

Also the fraud in 2020 consisted of dumping mailed in ballots. People won't be physically excluded.

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Jun 29Liked by Holly MathNerd

Holly, I gain more respect for you with every post you put out. People like you and Brett Weinstein and Heather Heying ( oh, and Neal Oliver) are helping me not surrender to despair for America. Please keep writing! Always remember- the heat of a blast furnace is what burns away the impurities in iron and turns it into steel. Your traumas have made you who you are,and that is a person of substance.

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"everyone from the NYT editorial board to the CNN and MSNBC commentators who held virtual eulogies during the post-debate analysis to the podcasters and Twitterati—knew all along that Biden was non compos mentis and were lying to us, or they failed in their job of pattern recognition and thus didn’t know.

The former is an inexcusable act of treason.

The latter is an unforgivable level of incompetence. "

They knew. Maybe not the details but the grand sweep of “Biden is well down the dementia path” must have been known. You can tell by the dogs that didn’t bark because they didn’t ask for interviews, they failed to cover the observed senior moments and so on. The MSM is almost entirely “Democrats with bylines” as one of the Instapundit people says, this is just further proof.

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PS turned this and a couple of other ideas into a post of my own


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Jun 29Liked by Holly MathNerd

Another of your posts that makes me amazed how you are able to articulate issues clearly, objectively and convincingly. Shoulda you consider a career as a political adviser to somebody worthy of your advice? I'm dead serious.

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Thank you for the kind words. Right now I just want to find a job doing data science someplace where they won't pressure me to shade my findings. But I wouldn't say no to a side hustle as a consultant or writing analyses with recommendations, if someone were interested.

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Jun 29Liked by Holly MathNerd

This is impressive, Holly. True wisdom on display. And an example of why so many of us feel politically homeless. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to my right ...

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Thank you!! And yeah, seriously.

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Jun 29Liked by Holly MathNerd

Holly, the link to the video of Bret's quote doesn't seem to work correctly - instead, it queues to the beginning of that episode. If it helps, this link begins where Bret's quote begins https://www.youtube.com/live/Lio9HV2fWSc?si=n6cN-0FMEYvDDsOn&t=6327

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Thanks — I used the right-click “copy link with time code” option but I guess it didn’t work.

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Jun 30Liked by Holly MathNerd

A further thing about this disaster of a debate was that the significant third party candidate, RFK Jr, was excluded by requirements which were physically impossible to meet. He hosted a parallel event on twitter and TheRealDebate.com and would have won the debate handily if he got in. Shame he's being censored everywhere except twitter.

I'm just shocked that Biden degraded this much and is now an empty puppet. Before the debate, my ranking of the candidates was Kennedy, then Biden and finally Trump. Now, my weak woke tendencies have been entirely overpowered by this abject failure and can't help but conclude that Trump is better than Biden. Sure, he's a womanizing narcissist in it entirely for himself, but he isn't a puppet. My ranking of the candidates now is Kennedy, Trump and in a distant last, Biden.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Holly MathNerd

Well done, yet again!

I will attest to the observations you made on cognitive decline and the symptoms that are easily identifiable, to anyone even remotely observant. As I've said before, I spend every other day with my mid stage dementia mother and her fellow residents. Obiden has dementia (mid to late stage I would guess) and quite honestly, you don't have to be a doctor to know this, in the same way you don't need to be a doctor or even a parent to know a toddler has shit their pants. The facial expression, gate and mannerisms, are the proof one needs.

The media knew (the evidence is massive and out there of the collusion between them and the WH, FBI, CIA and other regime apparatchiks. They lied, for the power and cover of the regime. They didn't give a shit about the public, they supposedly live and die to "inform". Bad actors and while I'm not sure "treasonous" would be an accurately applied term here, it should be considered.

The TDS'ers - My humble belief is it has turned into a psychopathy, after decades of constant triggering and reinforcement, by the aforementioned lying media. They are clearly the propaganda arm of the left and happily push the lies, spin and dis/mis information they are instructed to.

You can't tell me that the shills mika & joe, joy reed, madow and the benzo queen nicole wallace - know the truth and are just acting on camera - because if that's the case, then they're magnitudes worse than the true believer TDS base.

The pundits/podcasters carrying water for biden, obama, hillary and bill are either died in the wool true believers or too smart by half, to realize they've lost their objectivity and have been swept up in the cultic narrative - as they were told how intelligent and deep their take on all things orange man bad was. Sorry, but thinking kamala must ascend- is one idiotic F'ing statement, form a deep thinker.

Hind sight is a bitch, but many of us knew the BS political ideology at play, via the shameless pandering to blacks and women. Why not just serve up fried chicken and water melon - oh wait Scranton joe actually did that.

So, 99.9% of the "reporters/journalists" who ignored the dementia are liars, they knew, but the payoffs were too sweet for them to grow a conscience. The other 0.1% I'll concede had to be the stupidest F'ing people on the face of the earth - for the simple fact that they had access to mumbles, as well as their "sources". Sorry, but if you can't figure it our, aren't looking to figure it out or only care about the flavors of ice cream the drooler orders - your a colossal idiot.

Here's the question I want to propose in a post, but will do it here, because your smart and your readers may have this background/expertise.

How are we to look at all those in the executive, that knew??!!

Jill, All the cabinet Secretaries, the Surgeon General, All their assistants and staff, All congressional chairman, pages, secret service, Pelosi, Johnson...

Now, I'm no constitutional scholar, nor am I a lawyer, but this smacks of treason to me. You rightly called this a "coup in plain sight".

So, if Trump gets in, how are we to address this betrayal of the American people and violation of the constitution (if there is indeed one)? I say if Trump gets in, because that's obviously the only way any of these people would be held to account - "this ice cream cone ain't gonna lick itself ya know".

This is a question that must be asked and answered. If it is not, then we tell all those involved in this coup of our government, that there is no Constitutional Republic and no matter how apathetic they may be, the people no longer hold power and accountability of their governing officials. They can be lied to, cheated, persecuted and even ruled by non-elected individuals or groups.

The way you know this is a serious issues is how they reacted to Jan6 - an alleged, attempted coup. Just the "attempt", was met with draconian wrath. In obiden's case they have overthrown the government - in that the "elected" leader is non compos mentis and unelected individuals are ruling in his stead.

As I keep saying, "when you allow a system, regime, bureaucracy, tyranny or tyrant to grow beyond your ability to control or kill it, you have signed your own death warrant."

This has been the case for decades, but the whole world was just clearly shown, what many of us have know all along.

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