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Thank you, sir!

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Yay Holly! I’m so tired of the lies that prop up these “truths.”

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Yay Holly! And I hope the job is going well!

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“Some of us have internalized the standards of academic and journalistic integrity that others haven’t.” Yeah, sure pal. Your degrees are clear indication you are an overrated and over indoctrinated buffoon who is, as you point out Holly, blind to the obvious.

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When I see what is going on at the academic level, I am not sure I would want to admit an "internalization" of such standards. Isn't that basically admitting one does not think for themselves?

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Oh yes indeed. A quote from George S. Patton is very appropriate here: “If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking.”

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Great work Holly!. In a clear and concise analysis, you identified the reasoning and self-justification behind commentators’ lies of commission and omission. It’s a shame that such clearly educated and talented people prostitute themselves to parrot corrupt institutional narratives. But this is the media world in which we live.

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Thank you very much for your pleasingly-simple, laser-accurate insight Holly!

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Everyone sort of knows this, but it's important to articulate it. Well done!

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Right on Holly. Sam has such a weird derangement syndrome I feel like he lives on a different planet to me. He cannot be reading the same media. Enjoy work and then Thanksgiving. Cheers from the Southern hemisphere.

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Help me understand Holly, please. What are their ethical standards?

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Their ethical standards are based on Woke notions of victimhood. Transgender people are the biggest victims of all, so any statement that helps their cause is morally required, whether true or not. Black people are victims, so any statement that helps the BLM cause is morally required, whether true or not. America is the source of evil and victimizes everyone else on earth, so anything fundamental to America, like the second amendment, is bad, and any statement that casts it in a bad light is morally required, whether true or not. etc.

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Also, absolutely love that image.

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Cutting off contact with those who do not hold the same views, speaking in a coded language, and putting The Cause above all other things, including the truth, sounds like some sort of phenomenon I've heard of before...searching my memory bank...

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LOL. I know, right?

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Excellent work as useuall.

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