You are very late, shilling Xmas 2023 showed up December 26th 2022. ;-)

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Absolutely loved the coffee mug idea - thanks for posting Etsy link - I just sat down and wrote out “definitions” for 5 of my friends and family members that I will order for - hopefully a lot of others will also and you might get some recognition and kick back! Thanks again.

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I hope a lot of people buy some! They're lovely and the shop owner is a wonderful American small business owner.

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Thanks, Holly, for some great ideas!

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Best Christmas ideas I’ve ever read and I LOVE seeing some of your things! The Christmas bedroom is charming. I recently bought a stuffed owl that I love and display it proudly (I’m 68). In this season of gratitude, I’m grateful for you, your voice and your writing.

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I'm going to do a post for paid subs of my Christmas decorations. Josh is going to come over and help me assemble a Lego Elf Clubhouse and Lego Christmas tree, and then we'll do the pictures and video. Yesterday I finished a Lego Christmas wreath. And I have a Lego Christmas house with a Santa that actually goes down the chimney! But I need another person to do it while I make the video.

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Looking forward to it!

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I read your comment about your Christmas decorations being excellent and thought "sure they are ... booooring" but I take it all back - you're right they are brilliant. Love the dictionary definition gift idea too !

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ha ha, thanks!! And I hope you all get some of those mugs. They're wonderful and the shop should be much bigger!

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and as we all know

consumerism is not sustainable

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I should read this first. I might learn something. Of my many character flaws, poor/lack of gift giving is near the top of this list.

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I hope it helps!!

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Those Star Trek ornaments are perfect. I printed out similar versions and mod podged them to 1/4" plywood cut outs. Took me 5 minutes. My trekkie sister will love them.

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Yay!! I'm so glad. :)

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My aunt always gives my mom a calendar for Christmas. My great grandma always gave our family a box of a candy called Aplets & Cotlets. My cousins would give us (and we give them) those LifeSavers candy books. I would always give my nephews a couple of HotWheels added to whatever their main gift was. I remember long ago my sister, dad and I in the front yard on Christmas having a silly string fight. Best gift I ever got was my Schwinn Stingray.

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I did the love language thing with an ex (we were over less than a year after) and she thought it was cheesy, and I kinda did too but it went a long way in explaining our differences, as we were very different to begin with. However, while quite frustrating I was never bitter, never held her being herself against her, and was appreciative of her sincerity, even if I didn't like the result of it. I noticed it at the time, but never expressed my gratitude, but I appreciate more and more when I stop to think about it. Sincerity you can trust is not easily come by.

I hadn't seen the "don't be mean" ornament, is that new one? You're such a dork and the world is a better place for it :)

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