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Dec 20, 2022
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Thank you! And the reason I continue to put these under the creative writing header is that I don’t feel obligated to be thorough and complete that way. I don’t have to contextualize the exact type of sex role crap and what part of the Bible it came from and go into a more complete picture of the psychology of why women may prefer beauty and their surroundings more so than men do blah blah blah. All of the things I feel obligated to include in a proper essay aren’t required here. Hope that makes sense.

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I never noticed the helpful Vermont signage (though, now that you mention it...) but I do appreciate the lack of billboards. I can't imagine any of Vermont's picturesque highway stretches with a bunch of ugly ads blocking the view. I tell my kids constantly that we're lucky to live here, even with the absurd politics, high taxes, regulations, etc.

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On matters aesthetic, my wife reigns supreme. She can be rather frugal, and when we were buying furniture for our new house a couple years ago, my only input was to tell her to quit being so frugal and buy higher quality stuff, most especially the dining room furniture.

The functional world is my empire, and she defers to me in that domain as I defer to her in the aesthetic.

On my bookshelf is (an as yet unread) a copy of "The Ethics of Beauty." From the back cover: "Chaste and ardent eros for the Beautiful is the first task of human life, and falling in love with Beauty is the beginning of every adventure that matters."

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"He taught the men of our church, repeatedly, that God gives women “a need for beauty and order,” and that as long as the woman of the house wasn’t spending more than the man could afford, where and how they lived, including location, decorations, furniture, etc., was her business, and hers alone."

Have you ever read Eve in Exile by Rebekah Merkle? She expounds on this topic in what has to be the only christian, right-wing AND - dare I say it - positive analysis of feminine strength that hasn't made me roll my eyes hard enough to check out my own ass.

...Which is my very round about way of saying I think you might like it & find it worth your time.

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Wikipedia remains good for military history. I suspect because there are so many military history buffs and because military history has a certain inherent realism to it. There was a battle, it had consequences, etc.

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Your ability to mine nuggets of goodness from otherwise upsetting times is a wonderful quality.

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When writing about Dostoevsky's famous line, "beauty will save the world" Solzhenitsyn said, "this is not mere words. It is a prophecy."

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