I wish I could say this was unbelievable but alas I cannot. I should have seen this coming. May God have mercy on our souls.

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Right? I have repeatedly contacted my Congress Critters, which is all I can do, but this is scary AF.

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Posted this to Facebook, not that anyone will see how dangerous this is.

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Ya, like asking people to question WHY it is that the 4th Amendment is routinely violated at every airport in the U.S.A.

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Thank you Holly.

And J. Daniel.

Much appreciated.

I'll make those calls today.

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Thank you. This is so, so bad.

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Yes. Agreed.

I've spent many a day writing and sending these out regarding food rights.

The threat is real.

Our food systems are on the verge of collapse as well.

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That's not hyperbolic or alarmist. I mean that quite literally. And not dreadfully or fatalistically.

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I know. I have a month's worth of staples, a freezer full of meat, and know exactly how far of a walk several farms are from where I live (hooray for rural life). It's scary AF.

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Holly, since you like to read, have you read "The War That Saved My Life?"


I won't spoil anything, but I think you will LOVE IT.

Anyway, there are pages devoted to explaining the food rationing and how they ALL--even the upper class nobility (set in England) grew potatoes everywhere they could. That's an anecdote.

We'll all be very grateful for potatoes soon. Maybe. 🤔

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I bought my place in the country because I wanted to build a retreat for artists. I've been very happy that, as a side effect, I have land for agriculture.

Globally the fertilizer supply chain is in immanent danger of collapse and the result will be a big spike in food prices. Domestically I know there's quite a shortage of butchers and truckers. What other dangers are you seeing that are urgently threatening the food system?

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On a practical note, is J. Daniel asking us to call Congress? Is there a vote in Congress on this? It looks like this is an FCC vote? What is the messaging for calling Congress? What are they actually able to vote on here or take our calls regarding? I'm all about them getting involved, I'm not clear on the message. Thanks for clarifying.

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I have to do work-work -- I've pinged him and asked him to reply to you directly and to edit the main post. Thanks.

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There is no vote in Congress, but Reps amd Senators can oft bring behind-the-scemes.pressure.to bear on regulators.

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Right. What is the ask?

Do you have language on this somewhere?

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I don't -- this is my first political call-to-action and that didn't occur to me. Is anyone else reading this experienced with this kind of thing?

Oh well, here's a stab at it:

"Hello __Person__, I was just made aware of a vote upcoming on the 15th to give the FCC broad control over the internet. I'm very concerned about what this will mean for freedom of speech and commerce in this country. If FCC Commissioner Brenden Carr's statement on the matter is to be believed, it won't be good. This is an internal administrative decision at the FCC, but you, as a member of congress, have the power to sponsor and vote for legislation that will roll back this vote should it go the wrong way. Your body also has oversight authority of regulatory agencies. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and its implications for the future of our Republic."

Like I said, I've never done this before. Feel free to modify to your heart's content--and if anyone who HAS done this is reading and feels so inclined, please give us your version!

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That's really great! 👍

I've done these zillions of times on food issues.

Yours is solid.

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Thank you!

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Mike Doherty has great language below--much more succinct than mine!

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And also thank you!! 🙏

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My apologies for the phone-related typos.

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does anyone have a specific bill #, or for that matter official title of proposed legislation?

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Here is what I wrote to my representatives.... I'm sure you guys can improve on it...:

I am writing to urge you to support FCC Chairman Brendan Carr, in his opposition to granting the government unprecedented, and unlimited, power over the internet via the planned November 15 2023 vote by the FCC to implement "digital equity". This extreme, radical plan would do irreparable harm to this country.

Please help block this unneeded and dangerous intrusion by the government. Thank you!

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BTW, I like J Daniel Sawyer's version very much. But since my congress-people are closer to progressive than conservative, I used the scare language that the left promotes.... "unprecedented"... "unlimited"... "extreme"... "radical"... "dangerous". Nuance and context this is not. Just sayin.

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I left voicemails reading off how well Trump is doing in polls against Biden and asking if they want Trump in charge of what they can say online, LOL.

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Another day, another horror. What a $hit$how this country is becoming. Thanks for the head's up, Holly. Writing the hopefully not completely useless Congress people who supposedly represent my state. I have some faith in Ted Cruz. He frequently seems to not have his head up his a$$. We'll see.

Husband: Why haven't I heard about this?

Me: Seriously?? 🙄

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This isn't the only thing they're flying under the radar.

It was decided last week that beginning in 2026 all cars sold in the United States will be equipped with a "kill switch," whereby the car can be disabled remotely if it is determined that you are driving poorly.

Rep. Thomas Massie sought to defund this particular provision, hidden in the 1000+ pages of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act bill. His amendment was defeated.

A partial excerpt of Massie's speech, his attempt to appeal to critical thinking:

"Well, we actually don't know how this technology is going to work. And they don't know over at the DoD, either, because we've sent a letter to them that they haven't responded to yet, asking them: will this have cameras inside the car? Will it monitor your eyes to see if you're focused on the road? Will it have cameras on the outside of the car? How will it know what your performance is relative to the road that you're driving on if it doesn't in fact know which road you're driving on?"

"Will it need to know where you are when you are driving? If so, who has access to this data? Who has access to those cameras? Will the Fourth Amendment be followed? Will you require a warrant for your insurance company to access this data? Will you require a warrant for the government to access this data once your car has been disabled and now you're on the side of the road with your children in it for reasons you don't understand? How long until the police show up? Or what if you truly are disabled and you're over to the side of the road? Does anybody show up? How long do you have to get out of the vehicle? Who decides when your vehicle kill switch is disabled and you get to drive again? Who's going to adjudicate that on the side of the road?"

"What if it's rush-hour traffic? What if you know you've already got points against you according to your dashboard, and it's monitored your performance, and now there's somebody's pet in the road, do you swerve to miss it and get your car disabled? What if there's an emergency vehicle approaching from behind you, and you know, the right thing is to swerve off the road and let that vehicle pass? After you've done that three times and now your car says, do it one more time and we're going to leave you on the side of the road?"

This will become law in 2026. Every vehicle manufactured after 2026 will have this capability.

The Democrats used the ever popular appeal to emotions - in this case the horror and carnage caused by drunk driving. Yep. That's right. This ability to kill switch your car is to prevent drunk driving. And compared it to the at first unpopular - but necessary! - seat belt requirements.

All the Democrats and 19 Republicans voted to keep the kill switch.

(Hat tip Tom Woods for highlighting yet again how the sociopaths have seized the levers of power and control. Cluster B indeed.)

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